The Vizio MyWay web portal centralizes important commercial documents that you can conveniently access 24/7. It features a robust search function and customizable display views for purchase orders, invoices, and EDI-driven data from INTTRA.
Vizio MyWay allows PO and invoice grouping. You have the ability to group and link shipments together based on several factors and get your updates accordingly.
The VizioMyWay tool shows a visual map presentation of supplier locations, ports, ocean and air routes. The interactive map shows the last update location for all active shipments.
We are pleased to announce the John Deere 2015 supplier innovation award to Vizio MyWay. The award is presented to a select group of suppliers who have demonstrated innovation in a product or service they provide to John Deere. Award selections are based on four factors – creativity, feasibility, collaboration, and bottom-line impact.
John Deere
We are pleased to announce the John Deere 2015 supplier innovation award to Vizio MyWay. The award is presented to a select group of suppliers who have demonstrated innovation in a product or service they provide to John Deere. Award selections are based on four factors – creativity, feasibility, collaboration, and bottom-line impact.
John Deere